Master's Career Interviews

Help master’s students learn about career options and how to successfully build a career after they graduate.

We are looking to interview master’s degree holders about their careers. The purpose of these interviews is to help master’s students learn about career options, effective job search strategies, and how to build a successful career in the professional workforce.

These will be short video interviews (approx. 15 min) conducted by a member of the Beyond Grad School team. Your video will be added to a video career library available to graduate students at universities who subscribe to our e-learning platform.

Nearly 60% of master’s students take out loans to pursue further education and advance their careers — but the majority of master’s students feel unprepared to leverage their education into a meaningful career after graduation. Based on our research and national studies of graduate student career outcomes:

  • 50% of master’s students lack foundational knowledge about job searching.
  • 81% cannot identify their value to employers.
  • 56% are uncertain about their careers and futures.
  • and 37% experience anxiety and depression, 5 times the rate of the general population.

Sharing your career story and advice for current master’s students can help change this. Here’s an example of a career interview with Sonya Tareke who earned an MBA from the University at Buffalo.

We are primarily looking for professionals who earned their master’s degree in Canada or the United States and who did not continue on to a PhD. 

We are looking to interview people from all disciplines and backgrounds (Arts and Humanities, Business, Education, Health Care, Legal Studies, Public Policy, Social Sciences, STEM, etc) who work in a full-time capacity in any industry or sector.

Perhaps you earned your Master’s degree 35 years ago or 3 years ago – we want to interview you! 

Schedule an interview with our team below to share your advice and experience. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Master’s Career Training Platform helps master’s students learn about career options, make informed career decisions, and learn proven job search strategies. 

Learners access on-demand video lessons, workbooks and worksheets, designed by our team. 

They also access a career video library featuring interviews with 200 master’s graduates working in a wide-range of career fields. The video library helps master’s students learn about the range of opportunities available in today’s creative economy. Your interview will become part of the video library. 

We conduct the interview over Zoom. A team member will ask you around 10 questions, which will be shared with you prior to your interview. The purpose of the video is to give graduate students the opportunity to learn about career pathways and hear how they can successfully build their career after they graduate.

Access to the platform and video library is limited to subscribers, but pleas reach out if you’d like to view your video or learn more about the project:

We’ll send you a $20 gift card from Amazon as our way of saying thank you!

We believe that universities, and not individual students, should pay for professional development. We sell annual subscriptions to universities so that their graduate students can access our services. Individuals who do not have access can purchase an individual membership, but 99% of our revenue comes from institutional subscriptions.