Through our two digital platforms, Beyond the Professoriate (doctoral students and PhDs) and Beyond Graduate School (master’s students), we provide scalable, research-driven career support designed for the unique needs and demands of graduate students.

Support for Graduate Students

With a rapid increase in graduate programs, career centers are increasingly being asked to expand support for master’s and doctoral students. But, with limited staff, expanding career support for hundreds or thousands of graduate students is a daunting challenge.

In addition, master’s and doctoral students are very different from undergraduate students. Master’s students are pursuing their education to advance in their chosen career field. Doctoral students pursue their degrees to become faculty, but with too few academic jobs available, many will need to transition into nonacademic careers. Most career centers do not have the staff or resources to provide tailored career support to graduate students.

At a fraction of the cost of a full-time staff member, our career training platforms will allow your office to quickly expand its offerings to graduate students. Through our platforms, graduate students on your campus will access on-demand video lessons and workbooks to help them explore career options and teach them proven job search strategies, designed to meet their unique professional development needs.

Maximize Staff Resources

Our digital platforms are designed to complement on-campus resources. Your team can assign modules before 1:1 advising appointments so that students come already knowing the foundations of a successful job search. At the end of an appointment, staff can direct students to specific content in the platforms to continue their professional development training.

Before an on-campus event, such as a workshop, networking event, or career fair, your team can share videos and worksheets from the platforms. Students will attend these events better prepared so they can confidently engage fellow students, alumni, recruiters, and employers.

We will work closely with your offices to help your team increase student engagement with the platforms. We’ll meet with your team to evaluate your current communication channels and develop a customized launch and scale strategy that works for your campus culture.

By subscribing to our platforms, you’ll be able to:

Increase the number of graduate students your office serves each year.
Provide graduate students with tailored career support designed for their unique professional development needs.
Immediately offer year-round professional development programming for doctoral students and master’s students.
Provide ready-made resources that your career center staff can use when mentoring and advising graduate students.

Doing more with limited resources

A subscription to Beyond the Professoriate and Beyond Graduate School means that your students gain access to career education and support whenever and wherever they can fit it into their busy schedules. They can quickly find answers to questions they have about their careers and futures.

Many graduate students are busy and are not always able to access on-campus career offerings. Master’s students are juggling coursework, jobs and internships, and family commitments. PhDs are busy teaching, in the labs, and away from campus engaging in fieldwork. But they need career support like any other student.

Your office will be able to expand the number of graduate students it supports each academic year, which you can include in annual reports to document your office’s success in meeting the needs of master’s and doctoral students.

Starting in 2025, the Department of Education will publish information about alumni earnings three years after graduation, including undergraduate and graduate programs. Career outcomes will increasingly matter, which means that career centers will be asked to do more with limited resources.

We are working with career centers and graduate schools across the United States to help boost alumni career outcomes for graduate students. A subscription to our platforms ensures that your office is providing similar resources as your peer institutions.

Supporting all Graduate Students

Our decade-long research has proven that Master’s students and doctoral students have unique professional development needs. As a result, we’ve developed and designed two dedicated platforms to support institutional partners in preparing these unique student populations.

Beyond Graduate School


Master’s students know where they want to go in their careers but don’t always know how to get there.

Our curriculum helps them learn how to strategically job search.   

Beyond the Professoriate


PhDs and postdocs need help answering the daunting question of “What can I do with my PhD?”

Our curriculum helps them explore career options, decide on a career path, and develop the skills to build a career.