Helping doctoral students and postdocs answer the daunting question of “What can I do with my PhD?”

Our career training platform for doctoral students and PhDs prepares them for careers as faculty or beyond the professoriate. Through our platforms, learners access on-demand courses and live workshops to explore career options, make informed career decisions, and learn proven job search strategies to secure employment in their chosen career field.


Of PhDs and postdocs are undecided about their career.

Source: Grad Career Success


Do not know where to begin in their job search.

Source: Grad Career Success


Worry that work and life will have less meaning outside of academia.

Source: Grad Career Success


Of PhDs who used Beyond Prof felt more confident about their careers and future.

Source: Grad Career Success

Preparing PhDs for Career Success

With too few opportunities in academia, the majority of PhDs will end up working in non-faculty careers. Most doctoral students and postdocs are unfamiliar with the range of career options available to them, lack confidence in their ability to articulate their value to employers, and are unsure of how to begin a job search outside of academia.

Based on a decade of experience, we have developed a four-step framework and curriculum to guide doctoral students and postdocs through the career exploration and decision-making process, and to implement a job search with proven strategies.

Our one-of-a kind career training platform provides PhDs with the tools and resources they need to confidently build careers wherever smart people are needed.

Curriculum for PhDs


In our foundational course, students build a rubric to measure career opportunities. Learners complete lessons to identify their marketable skills, workplace values, and who they are as a professional.


In our second course, PhDs are shown how to apply their skills as researchers to identify possible career fields of interest. Learners gather evidence and evaluate if a faculty or non-academic career is right for them.


Once learners have chosen their career field of interest, they complete modules to learn how to confidently apply for a faculty job or positions beyond the professoriate.


Our one-of-a-kind career video library features PhDs working in a range of career fields. Learners are able to hear how PhDs are leveraging their education and building impactful careers.

Your doctoral students and postdocs will have access to:

Unique curriculum

Designed to meet the unique professional development needs of PhDs. Video lessons, workbooks, and assessments help facilitate their learning experience.

Career video library

Interviews with PhDs working beyond the professoriate allow learners to hear how PhDs are building impactful careers in industry, non-profits, government, and higher ed.

Live Events

Live monthly webinars and special virtual conferences help engage students and postdocs in professional development throughout the academic year.


By completing courses, students can earn certificates. Partner offices can incorporate our curriculum into campus-specific professional development programs.

Support for all doctoral and postdoc programs

Our curriculum helps PhDs identify their unique combination of skills, values, and attributes, and teaches them how to research careers that align with their rubric.

No two historians, anthropologists, or chemists will have the same rubric. We’ve seen historians who love languages learn to code and become software engineers; we’ve seen biologists who love working with students become career advisors.

Through our programming, learners reflect on who they are as a professional, what matters most to them in their work, and identify industries and career pathways where they can leverage their education and training. Our lessons provide proven strategies to help PhDs network, prepare job documents, and articulate their value to employers at each step of the job search – whether in academia or beyond.

This approach is proven to support PhDs from all academic disciplines.

Frequently Asked Questions

An annual subscription is determined by the size of the doctoral student and postdoc population your office serves. We offer discounted and bundled pricing for institutions that subscribe to both Beyond the Professoriate + Beyond Graduate School. Please book a demo and we can discuss pricing options for your campus.
Yes! We encourage all learners to complete the Discovery and Research stage to determine if a faculty or nonacademic career is right for them. Once they have made that decision, they complete modules to help them apply for either a faculty career or nonacademic career. Our faculty career modules help students write their application materials and prepare for a faculty job interview.
We use Single Sign-On which allows students and postdocs to login using their university ID/email address and password.
Yes, platform learners come from all disciplines. In feedback surveys, 95% of users say they feel more confident in their careers and futures, and 72% feel more prepared.

Yes, if your institution is not yet a subscriber, or if you have already completed your graduate education, you can purchase a life-time membership here.